Tuesday 10 July 2012


Dear pupils here is the homework for the day

1) Maths- Play the 6 decimal games that were posted and comment. Let your friends know your scores

2) English- Check that the comment you posted during English lesson has been published...It should be there as I have rectified it. If it is still not there, you have not published it properly and wil have to redo or copy it from your email.

3) Comment on all the other Reader's theatre videos of your friends. Yu have learnt to give good comments now...So do it right :)


  1. Please comment on your friends videos so that they can improve

  2. ms uma, that means we not only need to do the 1 and 2 group but need to do all the the group, is that what you mean????

  3. What i meant is: You have to comment in detail for the group assigned to you in the computer lab. for the other groups, after watching the video, you can do 2 stars and 1 wish
