Monday 9 July 2012

Charlotte's Web Chapter 1 Readers Theatre- Practice


  1. i like their facial expression.
    i like their pronounciation.
    i wish fern could slow down when she is talking.

  2. Fern:
    Facial expression:i like it.
    clarity of speech:pronounciation is good.
    loudness:very soft.

  3. I like the way they give eye to each other
    I like their actions
    I wish we(audience)see their facial expressions

  4. Mrs.Arable
    I like the way she change her voice at the part of saying "Don't yell Fern"
    I wish she put facial expression and more actions
    I wish she put eye contact to Fern and to the audience

  5. Fern

    I like the way fern gives out her facial expressions.
    I like the way Fern Express her feelings.
    I wish she could improve in her posture and tone
